Join us for 30 days of exploration and growth as you discover and practice the keys to living in alignment with your true self.
June 1st 2024
Are you tired of feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure about your next steps in life?
It's time to break free from the cycle of confusion and discover the clarity, confidence, and fulfillment you've been searching for.
Join us for 30 days of transformation guided by the wisdom of YOUR unique Human Design.
What is Human Design?
Human Design is your personalized roadmap to success and happiness.
It's the key to unlocking your full potential, and understanding your unique strengths, challenges, and purpose.
By understanding and implementing a basic yet integral part of your Human Design - your Strategy and Authority - you can make decisions with clarity and confidence, and navigate life with ease.
For this challenge, you will follow your Strategy & Authority at all times for the 30-day period.
Of course, you will naturally catch yourself not following them, and this may be conscious or unconscious.
This is our conditioning. Our trauma. Our beliefs. Our thoughts. Our cycles and our patterns. And it’s all a part of it.
Awareness is KEY and always the first step. This is where you learn. This is where you grow. This is where you push past the resistance and the discomfort.
This is where you finally feel like you.
Why Join the Challenge?
Break Free from Confusion: With these tools, you will gain confidence in understanding your direction in life and in your day to day decisions.
Escape the Cycle of Overwhelm: Following your unique design can help you prioritize and focus on what truly matters and get out of the overwhelm.
Transform Your Relationships: Human Design offers insights into your communication style and relationship dynamics, empowering you to build deeper, more meaningful connections - where everyone feels accepted, seen, and heard.
Experience More Ease and Flow: Learn how to align with the natural flow of your life’s blueprint and watch as things effortlessly fall into place - no more pushing or forcing.
Manifest Your Desires: Start attracting more abundance and aligned opportunities by honouring your Design.
Connect and Grow: Join a supportive community of unique and driven individuals on their paths of healing and growth.
What's Included?
Personalized Chart & Worksheet: Gain insights into your unique Human Design chart and how to leverage it for success. Use the Strategy & Authority worksheet as your reference guide.
Daily Support and Conversation: Join our WhatsApp group to connect with a community of like-minded individuals for support, guidance, and encouragement.
Live Q&A & Hot Seat Coaching: 60-minute bi-weekly Zoom calls to get your questions answered, receive support & guidance, and have the chance to sit in our ‘Hot Seat Coaching’ to help you navigate challenges and breakthrough limitations.
Discounts & Special Offers: Receive exclusive discounts on Human Design readings, 1-1 Coaching packages, and in-person events.
Transformation: Expect the unexpected as you go through this 30 days of experimentation. You may experience profound shifts and breakthroughs as you step into your unique design.
Ready to challenge yourself?
Discomfort is totally normal when you’re making changes. You won’t challenge yourself to make changes without courage, and you won’t grow and evolve without constantly changing. The only thing that is constant is change. If we resist it, we stay stuck, unfulfilled, and feeling like there is more to life than our current experience.
…and there is!!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to start discovering what truly works (and feels good) for you. Learn how you can easily, and quickly change the trajectory of your life, and start to feel empowered to make the necessary changes to live the way you’re designed to.
Are you in?
Sign up now! 👇🏻
This is a challenge around following your unique Strategy & Authority in Human Design. You will be focusing on these valuable principles for 30 days starting June 1st (though, of course, you can start before then if you want!!) in a supportive community, with bi-weekly Zoom calls, Q&A and live chat.
PLEASE NOTE: Your Human Design Chart + Strategy & Authority Worksheet will be emailed to you within 48 hours. Please contact if you do not receive your handouts.
See you in the challenge!
Frequently Asked Questions
June 1st-June 30, 30 days baby!
That’s actually PERFECT! This is a great way to get you acquainted with some of the basics of your chart so that you can start living your design right away and get valuable insight and support for 30 days!
Yes! Replays to the bi-weekly Zoom calls will be sent out via email within 48 hours of the live.
You’ll get a welcome email sent to you right away. Within 48 hours of receiving your birth information, we will send you your Human Design chart and accompanying Strategy & Authority Workbooks. You’ll be notified via email when the chat goes live and for official dates for Zoom calls.
In this challenge, we will only be doing group work. I do have special discounts set up for my Human Design readings and 1-1 Coaching Packages for being in the challenge!
Email to find out mo!
There will be TONS of opportunity for support, guidance, and to get your questions answered during the challange. You will have access to Rejan and the rest of the community in the challenge to bounce ideas off of!
To get more personalized support & guidance, you can add 1-1 coaching packages or Human Design readings at a discounted rate!